The great things about weddings now is that it they aren’t for just the bride, the groom has a place to. More and more grooms are getting involved with their wedding plans. This can be a huge plus; pay attention to can be here.
There are two levels of the groom. The basic level are those who are eager to go to appointments, help pick colors and basic design ideas. Whether or not their input is helpful or even tasteful is irrelevant. They are helping and it is much appreciated (usually). It’s also more time that you can spend together while you are in the extra lovely stage. These are the guys that will help change diapers and even get up in the middle of the night for baby feedings.
Then there is the extreme level. These are the guys who have an intimate relationship with every vendor and have a heavy hand into the most minuet details. They have designed out the table layout before the final guest count. They take decisions into their own hands and must be in control at all points. They have a grip on the bar and the caterer. They are calling the shots with all the vendors. These are the guys who after your first child are discussing with their friends what breast your newborn is more fond of. I won't tell you exactly how I know this but lets just say I am no stranger to the hardware store. Also when these guys talk they are not discrete about anything. Got to love them though!
Of course the week before the wedding they plan something that will throw you off. They take over the programs and make all final decisions. Some even decide to put their own artistic touch on them. It is always something complicated like making a hand tied celtic knot to tie the programs together. While brides should appreciate the task to be completed by the groom she must remember that it comes with a price. Let’s not forget, they are still men.
Problems with this scenario are that grooms tend to pay either too much for the paper and neglects to look at the program layout then come up with clever cost saving ideas like deciding that guests can share the programs. After all he thinks that everyone is coming as a couple so people can share. He tends to forget that it takes time to accomplish such an aggressive task so nine days before the wedding may not be enough. What is a bride to do? You don’t want to disappoint them and tell them that this may not be the best time to take on the task. Instead you should try to convince him to stick with the original plan. If he says no and reasoning does not work you leave him up to his task. You have so many other things to worry about that this is one that you will have to let go. You don’t need the added stress. This after all is not going to be the first thing you had an argument over, it isn’t going to stop the wedding-maybe no one will miss them.
At the worst, bridal party will have to introduce themselves to your guests, guests will wonder when the ceremony will be over and the bar will open. Take this opportunity to further define your stance as the leader that you are. If you stand firm and choose not to help him the night before as he is tying those knots he will second guess making design decisions of his own for your bedroom. You can live without those surprises. If you help him you will have saved the day and never have to let him live it down. Either way it is a win win!